80km/h ~ 140km/hの球速のほか、高低も自分で調整可能だから、少年野球のお子様や草野球のお父さんも大満足!それぞれのレベルに合わせた、効率の良い練習が出来ます。
Besides the ball speed of 80 km / h to 140 km / h, you can adjust the height as well by yourself!
You can practice efficiently according to each level.
Since it is a batting center with a sense of openness, customers can see from municipalities in the neighborhood, and they are enjoying a wide range from children to elderly people!
It is a secret special training, aiming is 4th batter of the team!
8:00 ~ 23:00
1コイン(25球)(1coin 25ball) | 6コイン(150球)(6coin 150ball) | 20コイン(500球)(20coin 500ball) |
¥200 | ¥1,000 コイン1枚 (¥200) お得! | ¥3,000 コイン5枚 (¥1000) お得! |
・打席数 7
· Nightlight lighting complete
· Number of bats 7